
Deploying Stuff from Win Machine To Linux via PowerShell


When I was copying files or binaries from my Win machine into Raspberry or Azure VM, I was using WinSCP every time. It is ok when I have to do it once after a build. But when I have to copy it ten times in one hour,  because I am fixing a problem, it is annoying.

So I decided to automate it. It is possible to use WinSCP from command line. But there is a better option – PowerShell Module POSH-SSH, which contains CmdLets for conneting via SSH, SCP or SFTP.


Example – A Script to Copy Files on Linux Machine and Switch with Previous Version

# install latest version of the module
iex (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString("https://gist.github.com/darkoperator/6152630/raw/c67de4f7cd780ba367cccbc2593f38d18ce6df89/instposhsshdev")

And the script itself:

$userName = "USER_NAME"
$credentials = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($userName, (new-object System.Security.SecureString))
$sshKey = "SSH_KEY_PATH"
$localFolder = "LOCAL_FOLDER_PATH"
$remoteFolder = "REMOTE_FOLDER_PATH"
$computerName = "MACHINE_ADDRESS"
$port = 22
$commands = @("CMD_1", "CMD_2", "CMD_3")

Write-Host "Uploading data from $localFolder to $remoteFolder on $userName|$computerName|$port" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Set-SCPFolder -LocalFolder $localFolder -RemoteFolder $remoteFolder -ComputerName $computerName -Port $port -AcceptKey -Credential $credentials -KeyFile $sshKey
Write-Host "Done" -ForegroundColor Yellow

Write-Host "Connecting to $userName|$computerName|$port to execute commands" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$session = New-SSHSession -ComputerName $computerName -Port $port -AcceptKey -Credential $credentials -KeyFile $sshKey
ForEach ($cmd in $commands) {
Write-Host "Executing $cmd" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$result = (Invoke-SSHCommand -SSHSession $session -Command $cmd).Output
Write-Host $result.split("`n")

Remove-SSHSession -SSHSession $session

This code does following:

  1. It copies folder LOCAL_FOLDER_PATH into REMOTE_FOLDER_PATH on target machine via SCP (and SSH key)
  2. Next it connects via SSH (key) and executes commands CMD_1, CMD_2 and CMD_3.


So now, after each new build I can run this script and a new version of the project will be uploaded to the machine. Or this script can be set as a post build task into pipeline.